Attached is the evidence that one of the children was circumcised after taking consent from both the parents but MPTS, GMC's kangaroo tribunal (MPTS) and the Judge Hickinbottom concluded otherwise that the consent was not given. How bizzare, parents declaring consent was given duly but the Judge Hickinbottom and the MPTS telling parents you didn't give consent.
Racist and Islamophobic Police and CPS
Above shows a jew practitioner suggesting no pain killers for circumcision. A muslim practitioner is charged with child cruelty because of using numbing cream EMLA. A jew practitioner giving no pain killers isn't cruelty because he is untouchable jew. Same EMLA cream, if jew practitioner is employing for circumcisions is legal but if Muslim practitioner uses, it's illegal and facing prosecution. Muslim practitioner is charged with using honey in small babies but jew practitioners using red wine is no crime. This is police nazism, racism and Islamophobia.... These are only a few of many examples...
Siddicki rot in prison you cunt.