Mr Naveed Alizai

This disgusting doctor has personal enmity with me.

He and I worked together in Leeds General Infirmary for more than a year in the same department as registrars in pediatric surgery.

One on-call day, he admitted a girl with possible acute appendicitis. Unfortunately, this girl had previously been operated upon for torsion of ovary on other side and was left with one ovary. Instead of getting an urgent ultrasound scan to rule out torsion of the only remaining ovary, Mr Alizai admitted this girl for observation. She remained on the ward for many hours. Also Mr Alizai failed to read the red alert on the case notes that in case of any such painful episode child needed to be referred immediately to gynecology team.

When I started the night shift on-call on the same day, I realised this mistake and informed the gynae team who were very upset on this girl being admitted and nothing had been done.

There was one other example when Mr Alizai failed to prescribe cardiac antibiotics cover for a child underwent a surgery. When I pointed out this on the next day ward round, Mr Alizai became upset and since he developed a personal enmity towards me.

Mr Alizai also showed the glimpse of his personal enmity towards me during MPTS hearing and threatened to refer me to GMC during cross examination.

These were only two examples when I pointed out his shortfalls in the management of children. There were some more, but I only highlighted these two during MPTS hearing.

Mr Alizai had never performed plastibell circumcisions in his professional carer for more than 26 years. But he was still comfortable to act as an expert. Such a disgusting and dishonest person!!. He failed to reveal how many circumcisions he had performed in the preceding two years. He did not disclose the conflict of interest that we both worked together for more than a year and instead lied if he knew my name.

Despite all this he was still a credible person. General Medical Council, the axis of dishonesty in the medical field, failed to take any action against such a doctor. Not to mention of MPTS, Medical Professional Tribunal Service, kangaroo court of GMC, covering each others' shortcomings, in my honest opinion, also didn't take notice of these wrongdoings.

Mr Alizai, unethically, gave expert opinion on the matters out of his circle of expertise. Moreover, he didn't bother to look up the world literature and the opinion of the recognised bodies of expertise on those matters.


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