
Showing posts from March, 2019

A big liar, Mr N Alizai

Mr N Alizai is such a big liar and disgusting person, in my honest opinion, that he should not be working as a doctor any where in the world. But dishonest GMC will not take any action against such a liar because Mr Alizai did the job GMC, on its behalf, wanted him to do against me. Such a rotten system of GMC and MPTS justice!!! It will take me many blogs to fully explain how this sickening doctor acted in my case. I will explain some in this blog. Mr Alizai refused to disclose conflict of interest (we worked together for more than a year in the same department of pediatric surgery at Leeds General Infirmary Leeds England, as registrars).  Mr Alizai didn't disclose that he had not performed plastibell circumcisions in his 26 years of professional life. Mr Alizai didn't disclose how many circumcisions he had performed by any method in preceding two years. Mr Alizai wrote an expert report on  Mr Alizai gave expert opinion out of his field of expertise. A...

Mr Naveed Alizai

This disgusting doctor has personal enmity with me. He and I worked together in Leeds General Infirmary for more than a year in the same department as registrars in pediatric surgery. One on-call day, he admitted a girl with possible acute appendicitis. Unfortunately, this girl had previously been operated upon for torsion of ovary on other side and was left with one ovary. Instead of getting an urgent ultrasound scan to rule out torsion of the only remaining ovary, Mr Alizai admitted this girl for observation. She remained on the ward for many hours. Also Mr Alizai failed to read the red alert on the case notes that in case of any such painful episode child needed to be referred immediately to gynecology team. When I started the night shift on-call on the same day, I realised this mistake and informed the gynae team who were very upset on this girl being admitted and nothing had been done. There was one other example when Mr Alizai failed to prescribe cardiac antibiot...

Mr Mark Woodward, consultant pediatric urologist, Bristol Children Hospital

I have been labelled by MPTS panel as a callous doctor. Unfortunately, law and justice in this country can easily be manipulated by the authorities. Mr Woodward, acting as professional witness, in my case, gave an inaccurate unprofessional advice to panel members. When he was asked by panel members how to perform re do plastibell circumcision, he didn't have a clue and his wrong statement was belied by the statement given by child's mother. Mr Woodward should have been open and frank to tell the panel members that he had never performed plastibell circumcision in his life, not to mention of redo plastibell circumcision. Mr Woodward's understanding of redo circumcision meant cutting away more foreskin and therefore leaving less skin over penis i.e. possibility of requiring skin grafting over penis. Shame on him!! Some one who never performed plastibell circumcision in his professional life and drawing wrong conclusions should be ashamed of hi...