
Attached is the evidence that one of the children was circumcised after taking consent from both the parents but MPTS, GMC's kangaroo tribunal (MPTS) and the Judge Hickinbottom concluded otherwise that the consent was not given. How bizzare, parents declaring consent was given duly but the Judge Hickinbottom and the MPTS telling parents you didn't give consent.

Racist and Islamophobic Police and CPS

Above shows a jew practitioner suggesting no pain killers for circumcision. A muslim practitioner is charged with child cruelty because of using numbing cream EMLA. A jew practitioner giving no pain killers isn't cruelty because he is untouchable jew. Same EMLA cream, if jew practitioner is employing for circumcisions is legal but if Muslim practitioner uses, it's illegal and facing prosecution. Muslim practitioner is charged with using honey in small babies but jew practitioners using red wine is no crime. This is police nazism, racism and Islamophobia.... These are only a few of many examples...

Racist police and Crown Prosecution Service (in my honest opinion), Different rules for Jews/Indian practitioners than Muslim practitioner.

Different rules for Jews/Indian practitioners than Muslim practitioners.

GMC dishonest organisation, in my honest opinion


Another example of GMC, MPTS (GMC's kangaroo tribunal) racism and corrupt practices, including GMC's legal team, in my honest opinion.

I was blamed for not cleaning hands before examining Child D. Following is the excerpt from the mother of Child D during her cross examination by Mr Fitzgerald, GMC's barrister. Mother clearly mentioned that I used gel (alcohol gel) for hand sanitisation before examining Child D. Q   Now, you just mentioned him using a gel of some kind, first of all can you help us with when he used that gel?   So it is the second occasion, do you remember when he used that gel or if he did? A     After he went, um ...   I think he used the gel before he examined my son. Following are the WHO (World Health Organisation) guidelines on Hand Hygiene. There are similar guidelines by NICE (National Institute on Clinical Excellence). ·             WHO Indications for Hand Hygiene (p152) Wash hands with soap and water when visibly dirty or visibly soiled with blood or other body fluids or after usi...

Police pursuing malacious, racist, Islamophobic investigation, in my honest opinion.

This is to highlight how, in my case, police has been pursuing malicious, racist and Islamophobic investigation, in my honest opinion. Following is the advice given to Police by, I believe, from Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). There have been numerous referrals made to CPS by Police but NFAed (Not For Action) by CPS. Despite this, out of malice, racism and Islamophobia, Police has been pursuing character assassination and defamation/slander against myself. This is clearly an example of misconduct in office  by Police, particularly some specific Police/Detective Officers in my honest opinion. Assault : The defence of consent appears to apply. The parents and child himself clearly understood the nature and purpose of the act and gave true consent to it. As per R v Richardson (1999), it is not relevant whether the doctor is registered as long as they understood what procedure they were consenting to. Fraud : Although the doctor has made a gain, the...

Mr John Donnelly, Chair of my MPTS hearing, was hypocrite, bias and liar in my honest opinion.

Mr Donnelly acting as the Chair of the proceedings was bias and hypocrite in my honest opinion. There were many examples to justify this. I will highlight these in my subsequent postings but one below is one of many. Mr Donnelly was telling me off that I had been making statements. Readers can decide reading the following questions I asked; questions were simple and comprised of small sentences. At the bottom, he interrupted blaming, I keep making statements,. Q     Thank you.   How was the baby overnight? A     Overnight he was fine. Q     Could sleep? A     Yes. Q     Not kicking around too much or crying or ...? A     No. Q     When did you notice the ring in the nappy? A     I would say the second nappy change of that day.   The first nappy change was fine. Q     That day it was early night, you mean the following ...