Dishonest and Lying MPTS along with Disgusting, Racist organisation, GMC. A racist organisation in my honest opinion.
I was removed from the GMC register on the findings of dishonesty. One of the GMC's allegations was that I lied to Mrs D (mother of child D) about my conditions on GMC registration. In fact following was the wording of the GMC's condition on my registration: "you may only carry out circumcisions on hospital premises or within a Cara Quality Commission approved clinical setting" Following is transcript of mother's discourse in MPTS hearing during cross examination by Dr Siddiqui: Q You said that we discussed about the restrictions probably? You mentioned about the restrictions and the GMC on that phone call? A Pardon, did I? Q You mentioned about the restrictions on my GMC registration on that ‑‑‑ A I did mention that I had noticed on that day that your registration on GMC had changed since the last time I checked in October, that there was a condition, I believe, on your registration, which I...