Dishonest, Disgusting Mr N Alizai, a pediatric surgeon in Leeds General Infirmary and expert in MPTS hearing.

As said previously, this dishonest liar surgeon from Leeds General Infirmary should be struck off because of his lies in MPTS hearing in my honest opinion.

Previously on this page, I have given few examples of Mr Alizai's dishonesty and telling lies. On this page, I will try to show another evidence of his dishonesty.

During cross examination at MPTS hearing of my case, Mr Alizai was enquired by the panel members if my consenting process was valid. He replied that because I didn't listen to children's heart sounds therefore my consenting was invalid i.e. I didn't consent parents. He didn't produce any published literature to authenticate his lies. Off course, lies do not have any feet to stand upon.

Following are a couple of consent forms. I hid the children details including parents' signatures. According to guidelines attached above, in the absence of any history of heart problems etc, there is no need to listen to heart sounds. Moreover, parents signed the consent forms following reading my 'parents' information leaflet' handed over. In the consent forms including the parents' information leaflet, possible common complications are mentioned. After all this information, consent forms were duly signed by parents.

Unfortunately, corrupt GMC and its kangaroo court MPTS guided by disgusting and dishonest liar Mr Alizai pronounced this consenting invalid.


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