Disgusting, Dishonest, Liar, Mr N Alizai, Paediatric Surgeon in Leeds General Infirmary along with a big corrupt General Medical Council (in my honest opinion)

In this post, I would try to highlight how corrupt organisations like General Medical Council and MPTS (GMC's kangaroo court) can violate and disregard their own rules in order to get their desired verdicts.

Dishonest corrupt experts like Mr N Alizai, a pediatric surgeon in Leeds General Infirmary not only lied in his expert report (in my honest opinion) but disregarded the rules set out by GMC in Good Medical Practice.

Strangely, GMC and MPTS (kangaroo court of GMC) also showed blatant disregard of their own rules. This was because Liar Mr Alizai was accomplishing their agenda to produce false reports (in my honest opinion).


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